Southern Christian University

James Turner


Study Questions on Colossians and Philippians.


Please read all of the references. They will help for a better understanding.



1.     The brethren at Colossae had heard "the word of truth of the gospel" from ________

(Col. 1:4-8) whom Paul speaks of as our _______________  .


2.       How had Paul learned about the faith and love of the Colossians (Col. 1:7-8, 24, 4:12-13)?


3.     How do we know that Paul was a prisoner when he wrote the epistle (Col. 4:2-4, 7- 1 0)?


4.       To what extent had the gospel been preached when this Epistle was written (Col. 1: 5-6. 23).?


             5.     The above passages tell us that the early church had preached the gospel to the whole

         ____________ in less than _______ years. What should this say to us today?



6.     The Colossians had been translated out of the_________ and into____________ .


7.     The writer affirms that Christ was before all ________ and in him all _________ ,

and that he is the head of the ________ , the _________  ; who is the beginning, the

 _____________   from the dead; that in all things he might have the ______________.                            


8.     Why is Christ spoken of as the "firstborn from the dead" (Col. 1: 18) and the "first fruits of then that are asleep (I Cor. 15:20.)?



9.       Had Paul ever been to Colossae (Col.2:1-5, 4:12-13)?



10.    List two things that he was praying for them about.



11.    What kind of false teaching was the church at Colossee confronted with (Col. 2:4-8, 16- 18, 20-23)?



12.List four exhortations that Paul gave concerning the above problem (Col. 2:6-8, 16, 18, 20).


1 .





13.       What does the writer say about "the bond written 'in ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us "? Does this mean that the law was completely fulfilled when Christ died Mt. 5:17- 18; Jn. 19:28-30)?



14.List two things that the writer says about the precepts and doctrines of men.

I .




15.       Paul told the Colossians if the had been raised together with Christ that they should

seek _______________ , and that they should set their affections on ________________.                                 


16.       What promise does he then give them?



17.       List four things that they were exhorted to put to death.

1.                                                                3.

 2.                                                                    4.


18.       They were to put away anger, and  ______________________, _______________,

_______________________ , __________________________.                                                                                             


19.       List four things that they were exhorted to put m.

I .                                                  3 .

2 .                                                  4.


20.       If any had a complaint against another they were to  ______________________.                                           


21.       They were admonished above all things to put on  _________________              which is the bond of     _____________________.


22.       The writer admonished them to "let the peace of Christ ________      ; and let the word of God dwell in you _____________.


23.     The wives were admonished to be _________________________________.


24.Husbands were told to "love your wives and be not ________                          .


25.Children were admonished to


26.     Fathers were admonished to


27.     Give two admonitions that were given servants. 




28.Masters were exhorted to render unto their servants "that which is _______

knowing that ye  _________________“.


29.     The writer admonished all to "continue steadfastly in ________________

and to let their speech be always with __________   that they might know  ________.                     .

30.     For what purpose was Tychicus being sent to them?


31.     What is said about Onesimus in the Epistle, and what does this show about the church at Colossae and Philemon?



32.     What exhortation were they told to give to Archippas, and what does this indicate (Col.4:17; Phile.2)?



33.     List four things to show the close relationship of Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon. 1








I    The church at Philippi was established by _____________ , _____________, _______,                   

and on the  ______  missionary journey in about _____  A.D. (Acts 15:36-16:10).


2.    They were directed to go into Macedonia from  ____________  by _______________.                            .

3.    What does this tell us about how God answers the prayers of alien sinners (Acts 16:9-15, 10:24-33)?


4.       Luke tells about only two of the cases of conversions at Philippi -- the conversion of                                                  _________________-and _________________________    Acts 16:11-34.


 5     How did God open the heart of Lydia?


6.    How do many preachers today use Acts 16:29-31 to teach a perverted gospel? Discuss. See Acts 16:32-34 and Rom. 10: I 1-1 5.


7.    How long did Luke stay at Philippi (Acts 16:35-40, 17:1, 17:14-15, 20:5)?


8.Give three things, which indicate that Philippians was written during the latter part of Paul's two years imprisonment in Rome, and after he had written Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon (Col. 4:2-3; Phil. 1: 12-14, 2:19-30).

1 .



9.    In 1:3-5 the writer speaks of "your fellowship in the furtherance of the gospel from the first day until now". Explain what he means by the statement, and how the first fellowship began; and how they had continued this fellowship (Acts 16:15; Phil. 4:14-15; Acts 20:5; II Cor. II: 7-12;Phil. 4:17-1 8).





10.     What great lesson should be learned from Phil. 1:3-5 and III Jn.5-8?



11.     Paul includes __________ in the salutation of Philippians and the letter is addressed to all ______________ with the  _____________ and ____________________.                                   


12.     What do we learn about the organization of the Philippian church by this salutation?



13.List four of the purposes of this epistle (Phil. 1:3-15, 4:10-20, 1:23-30, 2:19-23, 2:12-18, 3:2-6 3:17-19, 3:1, 4-7).







 14.          Paul told the Philippians that the things that had happened to him had fallen out unto the progress of _______________, and that his bonds had become manifest in Christ throughout  ____________________.     Explain.




15.          What were the two ways that the gospel was being preached?




16.          Why did Paul rejoice in the preaching of both groups?



17.What two important lessons should we learn from this passage 1:15-18?




I8.         Paul told the Philippians that he was in a "strait between the two, having

__________                                                                            .


19.          What does verse twenty-three teach concerning the death of the righteous (11 Cor. 5:1-8; Lu. 16: 19- 31; Rev. 14:13)?



20.          He admonished them to let their manner of life be _____________, and not to be affrighted by _________________________.



21.          He admonished them to do nothing "through faction or  ________________                                            but in  ___________________not looking each ___________________________”.


22.List and give the substance of four passages that teach, that Christ existed in the form of God before he was born of woman (Gen. 1:26; Phil. 2:5-8; Jn. 1: I- 14; Heb. 1: 14; Col. 1: 13-18; Gal. 4:4; Jn. 6:38, 48-62-, Isa. 7:14; Mt.1:18-23)









23.          Paul commanded them to obey and to "work out your __________                                                       with _______________________.


24.          Show how that there is no conflict, or contradiction, between Phil. 2:12-16 and James 2:17-26 and Eph. 2:8-10 and Titus 3:5. (Lu. 17:7-10; Rom. 2:4-13; Jas. 1:25).







25.       They were commanded to "do all things without                            and  ___________     “ .        What things was he talking about?



26.       What is the meaning of 2:16, and what does it indicate about identity in heaven (I Cor.3:10-15; I Thess. 1: 19-20; Mt. 8:11, 17:1-6; Lu. 16:23 -3 1)?

27        He said that he would send Timothy to them as soon as _________________ .


28.       List two good things that he said about Timothy.

I .




29.       In 3:2 he refers to the false teachers as ___________ , ___________ , _________.

Why does he refer to them in this manner? What kind of false doctrine were they teaching (Acts 15:1-35; Gal. 2:1-5; 11 Cor. 11:13-16)?




30.        What people constitute "the circumcision", or what is real circumcision (Phil. 3:3-6; Rom. 2:28- 29, 4:9-13; Gal. 3:26-29, 2.:1-5; 11 Cor. 11:13-16)?



31.       What does Paul mean by the statement that Christians have no confidence in the flesh" (Phil.3: I- 6; Acts 15:6-1 1; Gal. 2: 4- 6) ?



32.       What did he say about the sacrifices that he made that he might be faithful to Christ and attain unto the resurrection of the dead?



33.       Paul said that he was forgetting the things  _______________ and stretching   forward to  _____________  and pressing on toward  __________________.                                


34.List two other things that he told them about the false teachers (Phil. 3:17-19).

1 .


2 .


35.       What will Christ do with the bodies of the faithful when he comes again (Phil. 3:20-2 1; I Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:50-58; 1 Jn. 3:1-3)?




36.     Paul exhorted Euodia and Syntyche to _____________ and for the brethren to ________________.


37.He commanded them to rejoice in________________  and let their ________          be known unto all men.. Why? Explain.




38.     Some of our brethren are saying that Phil.4:5 refers to the destruction of Jerusalem in  70 A.D. Why? Is this a logical conclusion? Discuss (Phi. 4:5 -7; Heb. 2:17-18, 4:15 -16; 1 Pet. 5:5-7; Rom. 8:31-34).







39.     Paul admonished the Philippians, "in nothing be_________  but in everything           ___________________________. What kind of peace will this bring?



40.     What things did he request them to think on? Why (Prov. 4:23; Mt. 15:18-19; Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22 24; Col. 3:1-2)?




41. What did he exhort them to do in respect to his example before them?



42.     Why did Paul rejoice that they had sent Epaphroditus to supply his needs, and what

did he say that this constituted in their relationship to God (Phil. 4- 10-18)?




43.List three things that he said about what the church at Philippi had done for him (Phil. 1:3- 5, 4:10-19)?





44.     From what brethren does he send salutations, and what does this show?