I & II Thessalonians. & I & II Corinthians



Study Questions on First and Second Thessalonians

1.    Luke gives an account of the establishment of the church of the Thessalonians in Acts 17: 1-1 1. This church was established on Paul's _____   journey by Paul and ________  and possible _________    in about _____    A.D.

2.       Give two good reasons why Paul did not carry Luke with him from Philippi to Thessalonica.

      I .




3.       Where in this city did Paul do his first teaching?


       How long?

4.    What was the main emphasis of his preaching?


        How could they determine that he was telling them the truth (Acts 17:11-12)?

5.    How does Luke record the results of his work in the Synagogue?

6.    Who were the "devout Greeks" and the "chief women,'?

7.    The church of the Thessalonians from the beginning was made up primarily of ____________people and later included ___________  (Acts 17:4; 1 Thess. 1:8-10).


8.    With whom did they lodge in Thessalonica?

How was he treated for giving them a place to stay?


9.        What charges were brought against him?

Why did the Jews do this?

10.   When and why did the brethren send Paul and Silas away by night?

11.      How were the Jews in the synagogue at Berea different from those in Thessalonica?

I2.     Why did Paul have to leave Berea?


13.    Paul gave instructions to those that conducted him to Athens to tell ___________ and ________ to

           come to Athens with all speed.

14.           Several commentaries express doubt as to whether Silas and Timothy got to Athens before   Paul left there to go to Corinth. Discuss (I Thess.2:17-3:3).


15.     What indications are there that Paul and Silas may have stayed at Thessalonica more than    three Sabbath days mentioned in Acts 17:2? (Acts 17:5-7; 1 Thess. 1:9-10, 2:9, 4:1-6, 4:10-11, 5:1-2;  1I Thess. 3:8-10; Phil. 4:6).

16.     Had Paul wanted to return to Thessalonica?       Had he? Why (I Thess.2:17-20)?

17.     What do passages like the above passage tell us about the statement that some make,, that    "everybody has the right: to hear the gospel once before anyone hears it twice"?


18.     Paul had sent ____________    back to this church. Why?

19.     There is at least strong probability that Paul had sent Silas from Athens back to the church   at _________________    . Discuss (Acts 16:40, 17:15; 1 Thess. 3:1-3; Acts 18:1-5),


20.     Where was Paul when he wrote I and 11 Thessalonians? Prove your answer in detail (I Thess. 3: 1-3, Acts 18:1-5)?

21.     Paul is still on the _________ journey at the time of writing and the time would be about _______ A.D.


22.     Give four of the primary reasons why Paul wrote the first letter to the Thessalonians (I Thess. 1: 6-10, 2:17-20, 4:8, 4:10-12, 4:13 -5: 11).






23.     Several commentaries reason that the Thessalonians had gotten so excited about the

          second coming of Christ that they had quit work and were just waiting for Christ to come. Is this a logical conclusion?

           Discuss (I Thess.l: 9; 4:11-12; 11 Thess.3:6-15; I Tim.5:8; Titus 1: 12-13,--3:4). Note especially II Thess, 3:7-9.





Chapter One

24.    When Paul wrote I Thessalonians the brethren had already sounded forth the gospel in the two large provinces of  ____________    and _______________.


25.              They had done this against what three difficulties (I Thess. 1: 9, 2:14-16, 3:2-3; II Cor. 8: 1 - 5)?




 26.    How is the above example so different from the attitude about new congregations of today?

27.    How were Paul and Silas supported during their work at Thessalonica (I Thess. 1: 5-9; Phil.4:15-16)?

28.    How does Acts 18:5 read in The New International Version and the New American Standard Bible, and the New English Bible?

         I .




29.    Are these readings at least in harmony with other passages? Discuss (Phil. 1: 3 -5, 4:10-191

         II Cor. 11:. 7-9).


30.     How did Paul address both of his letters to the brethren at Thessalonica?

    Why was this address very appropriate?




31.              List three of the complimentary statements that Paul made of them in chapter one.



           3 .


Chapter Two

32.     What shameful treatment is Paul referring to in I Thess. 2:2? See Acts 16:1640.

33.     Paul affirmed that their exhortation was not of  _______________ , nor of _______________nor in _______                     and that they did not use words of or a cloak of _______________ or a cloak of _______________;                   nor did they seek the ___________________.

34..    Give three things that Paul said about the way that they behaved themselves before the Thessalonians (I Thess.2:7-12).


35      What do such passages as I Thess.2: 10 teach concerning Paul's reasoning in Rom.7:14-21?

36.     How did they receive their message?

37.     How had they become imitators of the churches of God in Judea?

38.     Why did Paul say that the rebellious Jews were "contrary to all men"?

39.     Paul had been separated from them in presence but not in  ______________ and he had endeavored to ________________.

40.     How could the Thessalonians be Paul's hope, joy, and crown of glorying before Jesus at his coming (Phil. 2: 16; 1 Cor.3:14-15)?

Chapter Three

41.           What kind of a report had Timothy brought concerning the brethren at Thessalonica?



42.     Why did Paul desire so much to see them again? Who was he asking for help?

Chapter Four

43.      What exhortation does he give them in 4:1-7?


44.     What did he say about those that might reject the above teaching?

          What lesson should we learn from this (I Thess.4:8; Ex.16:7; I Sam.8:6-7)?

45.     What is the meaning of concupiscence as used in I Thess.4:5 and Col.3:5,in the King James version?

          How does the American Standard and The New American Standard read?


46.     What kind of uncleanness is the writer speaking of in 4:7 (Col.3:5; Rom.2:24-26; 11 Cor. 12:21; Gal.5:19; Eph.4:19, 5:3; Jude 4 and 8; 11 Pet.2: 10)?

47.     The Thessalonians were manifesting their love toward _______________ that were in all _____________.

48.     What does their example teach us concerning the fellowship that should exist between congregations in any given area?

49.     What did Paul say that God would do for the righteous dead at the second advent of Christ (I Thess.3:9,, 4:14; Gen.35:18; Jas.2:26; Ecc. 12:7;11 Cor.5:7-8)?


50.                  50.      1 Thess.4:13-18 is one of the main passages that denominational preachers are referring to when they talk

51.                             about "the_______________”.   Is this word used in the New Testament?


53.                  51.     How do they spin their doctrine to get two resurrections out of this passage?


52.               What two classes of-people is the writer speaking of in I Thess.4:13-18?

    What other classes are included in I Thess. 5:1-9?

53.     All humanity may be grouped in what four categories?

54.     How does I Cor. 15:50-52 and Phil.3:20-21 and I Jn.3:2 parallel and compliment I Thess.4:13-18?

55.     Read the following passages and then list at least ten things that the Bible teaches about the second coming of Christ.

(Mt. 13:36-43, 24:29-44, 25:31-46, 26:63-64; Mk. 13:24-37; Lu.21:25-35; Jn.5:28- 29, 11:2-6, 12:48, 14:1-3; Acts 1:6-1 1; N4k.9: 1; Acts 2:1-16, 17:30-31, 24:15; Rom.2:4-11,, 14:11-12; 1 Cor. 15:12-58; 11 Cor.5: I- 10; Phil. 1:23-24, 2:9-11, 3:20- 21;lThess.3:13,4:!3-5:10;HThess.1:7-10,2:1-8;HTim4:1;Heb.9:27-28; I Pet. 1:5. 1:13; H Pet.3:10-13; I Jn.3:2-3; Rev. 20:12-15, 21:8, 22:12-17).

Give the reference and the substance of the passage that teaches each particular thing-


56.      List three passages, which teach that the righteous and the unrighteous will be raised and judged at the same time.

5'7.      Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to abound more and more in __________and to study to _______                        and to do ______________ and to ________________as they had charged them (I Thess.4:11-12).

Chapter Five

58. How does the writer reason that the Day of Judgment should not overtake Christians "as a thief in the night" (I These. 5: 1-11)?

59.    What did he exhort them to do concerning those that labored among them and admonished them?

60.    He exhorted them to ___________   the disorderly, to encourage the _________ to support the ________    and to be ____________  toward all .


61.              List six other exhortations given in chapter five.

           I .

          2 .

           3 .





62.    What charge did he give concerning the epistle?

63.    What seems to be the pattern concerning all of the epistles of the New Testament (I Thess.5:27; Col.4:16; I Pet. l: 1; 11 Pet.3:1, 3:15-16; 1 Cor. 1:2)?

Study Questions on II Thessalonians

Chapter One

64.    II Thessalonians was written from ________________probably about ___________after I Thessalonians (Acts 18:15-1 1;11 Thess.1:1, 2:1-4. 3:11-12).


65.    List three of the purposes of II Thessalonians (II Thess. 1:3-6, 1:7-12, 2: I- 5, 3:11-12).



         3 .

66.    What were the growing and abounding in when Paul wrote this epistle?

Chapter Two

67.    List five things that he says about the second coming of Christ in 1: 6- 1 0

         and 2:1-8.







68.    What does the statement "or by epistle as from us" seem to imply?

69.    What will God do to those that do not love the truth? Why?


70.    Explain how the Thessalonians had been chosen of God from "the beginning unto salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth" (I Pet. 1: 1 8-23; Eph. 1:3 -5; Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 18-9-10).

71.    How had God called the Thessalonians to receive salvation?

        How does God call men today (II Thess. 2:14; Rom. 10: 10- 15)?



72.        What must man do in order to be saved (Heb.5:8-9; II Thess. 1:7-8; Rom. 6: 1-7, 6:17-18)?

    1 .



73.    What is the meaning of II Thess.2:15?

Chapter Three

74.     What two things did he ask them to pray for them, Paul, Silas, and, Timothy, about?



75.    Who did he command them to withdraw from?

76.    From the context what is the particular thing that he is talking about as being disorderly?

         Does the rule apply to other things?

77.    What did he admonish them to do about any person that did not obey the instruction of the epistle?