I      The epistles written by Paul before his first imprisonment at Rome are:

I .                                                                          4.

2.                                                                     5.

3.                                                                          6.

2.     The epistles written during his first imprisonment at Rome are:

I .                                        3.                                2.                                   4.

3.    The epistles written in between his first imprisonment at Rome and his second imprisonment at Rome are:

I                             2.                                3.                              4.

4.     His last epistle was written to  ______________   -during his ______________.

5.     Paul was at   ____________  on the ________________ missionary journey when he wrote  I Thess., and there also when he wrote  _______________  (Acts 18:1-5. 18:9-1 1; I Thess.1:1,, 3:1-3,1 3:6-8; 11 Thess. 1: 1) and the time would be about  ______ A.D.

6.     I Corinthians was written during the latter part of Paul's stay at the city of _________

He was on the _______  -journey and the time of writing was about _____ A.D. (Acts 19:1. 19:2 1).

7 .    He wrote II Corinthians from  __________  probably about _______  months later (Acts 20: 1; R Cor.2:12-13t, 7:5-6, 8:23-9:5).

8.     Galatians was probably written before Paul wrote _________ in about   _____   A.D.

9.     What are some of the things that militate against an early date of about 46 to 50 A.D. for the writing of Galatians (Gal.2:1-5; Acts 15:1-2, 15:28-32, 16:4-5, 18:23)?

10.    Romans was written from the city of  __________   while he was still on the ___________journey and the time of writing would be about ______  A.D.

11.    At the time of writing Paul was ready to go to  _________    to deliver the ______________(11 Cor.9:1-5; Acts 20:1-6, 21:16; Rom. 1 5:19-33).

12.    Paul wrote _____________, _______________, _________________,

and ____________  during the two years imprisonment at Rome (Acts 28:40-3 1; Eph.3:1, 4:1, 6:21- 22; Col.4:2-4, 4:7-9; Phile. 8-1 1; Phil. 1: 12-14, 2:19,241) and the time is usually reckoned at being from about  _______ to _______ A.D.

13.          List three things, which indicate that Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon were written at the same time, and were delivered by ____________ in company with Onesimus, a slave of Philemon, whom Paul had converted (Eph. 6:21-22; Col.4:7-9, 17; Phile. 1,2, 10-24; Compare Eph. 1:22-23 and Col. 1: 18-19; Eph.2:13-18 and Col. 1: 19-22; Eph.4:25-32 and Col.3:5-13; Eph.5:19-20 and Col.3:16-17; Eph.5:22-25 and Col.3:18-19; Eph. 6:1-4 and Col.3:20-21; Eph.6:5-9 and Col.3:22-4: 1; Eph.5:15 and Col.4:5).

I .



14.          List three things which indicate that Philippians was written near the end of the above imprisonment (Eph. 6:19-20; Col.4:2-4; Phil. 1:12-14, 2:19, 23, 24, 25-30).




15.    Acts 28:30-31 and I Timothy and Titus show very plainly that Paul was released from the two years imprisonment and when he wrote I Timothy and Titus he was _______________ (Titus J:5, 3:12-13; 1 Tim. 1:3-4,.3:14-15).

16.    List three things which I Tim. and Titus have in common (I Tim. 1:3-4, 3:1- 7; Titus 1:5-1 1; I Tim.6:1-2; Titus 2:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:18; Titus 1:4). 


17.    How do we know that Hebrews was written before 70 A.D. (Heb. 8:1-5, 10:10-14)?

1 8    The date of Hebrews would probably be about ______ to _____ A.D. (Heb. 13:18-19, 23-25).

19.    How do we know that 11 Tim. is the last epistle written by Paul (11 Tim.4:6, 9, 2 1)?

20.    If we count Hebrews as one of Paul's epistles this would mean that Paul wrote _____

of the  _______epistles of the New Testament, or more than _____  of the epistles of the New Testament.

21.    1 Tim. is addressed "unto Timothy, my __________________________.”

When did Paul convert Timothy (I Tim.6:12, 11 Tim. 3: 1 0-1 1; Acts 15:3 9-16:4)?

22.    Why did Paul exhort Timothy to stay at Ephesus, and what warning had Paul given the Ephesians elders a number of years before (I Tim. 1.3-4; Acts 20:28-32)?

23.    What does I Tim. 1:3-4; and 3:1-15 indicate about the warning that Paul had given?

24.    Paul states that before his conversion he was  ___________   and a and ___________                 but that he obtained mercy because __________________.

25.    What two lessons should we learn from the example of Paul about the conscience of man (Acts 22:3-21, 23:1, 24:16, 26:9- 21; 1 Cor. 15:9-10; 1 Tim.1:19, 4:2)?

26.    What does Paul say about those that desired to be teachers of the law, and what Warning does James give on this subject (I Tim. 1:7-1 1; James 3:1-2; Mt.23:5-12; 11 Pet. 3:15-16)?

27.    He says that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save ________________   of whom I am  _____________  . " Why does he refer to himself as chief of sinners (I Cor. 1 5:9-1 0; I Tim. 1: 13; Acts 7:58-59, 8:3-5, 9:1-4, 13-15, 19-21, 22:1-51 17-21, 26:9-13)?


28.   What is the faithful saying that the writer refers to, and what is given as proof of the saying (1: 1 5-16)?

29.   He exhorts Timothy to war the ___________  and to hold on to _________                and a good ______________    which some had thrust from them and_____________. What does he mean by the latter part of this statement?

30.   Paul had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander "unto __________  that they might be taught not to ________________.”   What did he mean by the latter part of this statement (I Cor.5:3-7)?

Chapter Two

31.   Who did he exhort them to pray for? Why?

32.   What are the three things that Christ had appointed Paul to do (2:7)?

33.        Verse four states that God "would have ________ men to be saved,, and come to the ________________________________." Compare this verse with H Pet.3:9.


34.   How should women adorn themselves?

35.   What is the primary thrust of (I Tim.2:9-10 and I Pet. 3:1-6)?

36.   What two reasons are given as to why women are not to teach in the public assemblies of the church and exercise dominion over men (2:12-15; 1 Cor.14:34-36)?

37.   Would it be right for a woman with outstanding knowledge and ability to speak to the public assembly of the church, on an important Bible subject, if the elders or leaders of the church give her permission, and encourage her to speak?

Chapter Three

38.   If a man seeks "the office of a bishop he desireth _________________________.” (B) What is the meaning of the word bishop?


39.    Give the different words, and the meaning of the words that are used to refer to the office, or work of elders. Read: (Acts 11:27-30, 14:23, 15:1-2, 22, 20:17-18, 28-3 1; Phil.1:1; Eph.4:11-12; I Tim.3:1-13, 4: 14, 5:17-20; Titus I.:5-1 1; Heb. 13:7, 13:17; 1 Pet.5:1-4). I .




40.    No congregation of the Church has complete organization until it has its own ______________and ________________.

41.          Every full-grown Christian should have all the qualifications listed for elders in

I Tim.3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-11 except:

1.                                                                          3.    

2.                                                                          4.

42.    Paul was writing to Timothy to tell him how "men ought to behave themselves 'm the house of God, which is ___________________________________________.”

43.Where was the new name for God's people to be given (Isa.56:3-4; 62:2; Acts 11:25-26)?

44.List three things that he said would come in later, or, latter times.




45.    What is meant by last "days" (Isa.2:2-3; Acts 2:16-17; 11 Tim. 3:1) or "latter times" (11 Tim. 4: 1).


46.    Under the New Testament a person is free to eat _____________ as long as he gives

   ________________(I Tim.4:3-5; Lev. I 1: 1-23; N&.7:14-23; Rom. 14:14-20).

47.    How may we account for the difference of the Old Testament and the New Testament on the subject of eating?

48.    What comparison does he make of physical exercise, and spiritual exercise, or godliness?

49.How does Paul say that Timothy could be a good minister?

50.    What does he exhort Timothy to refuse?

51.How, or in what sense, is God the "Savior of all men" (Ps.24: 1; James 1: 16-17; Mt. 5:44-45; Acts 14:16-17,17:24-25; Jn.3:16-18; Heb.2:9; 11 Pet.3:9)?


52.What was Timothy to give heed to until Paul returned to Ephesus?

53.    What gift is he speaking of in 4:14 and II Tim. 1:6?

54.    Paul told Timothy to take head to __________   and to ________     and that by

continuing do so "thou shalt save ______________________”.

55.How was Timothy instructed to treat:

I. The elder men

2.The elder women

3. The younger men

4. The younger women

56.    What does he say about the person that "provideth not for his own, and specially his own household"?

57.Widows were not to be "enrolled" by the church unless they:

1                                                                            2 .                                     .

3.                                                                                                                                                                    4.

5.                                                                      6.

58.    What seems to be the meaning of the church enrolling widows?

59.    What did he desire the younger widows to do?

60.    Elders that ________________    are to be counted worthy of "double honor

B. What is meant by "double honor" (I Tim . 5:18; 1 Cor. 9:5-15; 1 Pet. 5:1-3)?

61.    Accusations are not to be received against elders of the church except at the __________________________ Is this passage violated by some Christians?

62.    Does verse twenty-three justify "social drinking" of alcoholic beverages? Read first: "And Jehovah spake unto Aaron, saying Drink no wine nor strong drink, thou, nor

thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tent of meeting, that ye die not, it shall be a statue for ever throughout your generations " (Lev. 10: 8-

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler: and whosoever erreth thereby is not wise" (Prov.20: 1).

"Be not among winebibbers," (Prov.23:20).

"Who hath complaining? Who hath wounds without cause? Who hath redness of eyes? They that terry long at the wine: They that go seek out mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it sparkleth in the cup, when it goeth down smoothly: At last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder" (Prov.23:29-32).

"For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and he shall drink no wine nor strong drink: (Lu. 1: 15).

"And be not drunken with wine wherein is riot, but be fined with the Spirit" (Eph.5:18).

"Be not deceived: neither fornicators - --------------- nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God" (.1 Cor.6:9-1 1; Gal. 5:19-2 1).

Let us walk becomingly, as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and jealousy. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make

not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof' (Rom. 13:13-14).


Chapter Six

63.    Servants that had believing masters were not to “ ________________, because they are brethren: but let them _______________________________________________.”

64.    Those that are "minded to be rich" fall into___________  and a  __________     and many__________    and  _____________  such as drown men in ___________________.

65Timothy was to charge the rich to: I .


 3 .

66    Paul admonished Timothy to flee ____________   and to follow after __________,

___________________, ________________, _________________ , _______________.

67.Timothy was about. _____  years old when this admonition was given.

68.What is the "good confession" That Timothy had made?

69.  How could the rich lay "up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come (I T'un.6:17-18)?

70.    Compare I Tim.6:17-19 with Mt.6:19-20 and Lu. 16:9-15).


I    In the salutation of all three of these epistles Paul speaks of himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Timothy and Titus knew that he was an apostle. Why then the need for him to do this?

2.   Titus was Paul's true ____________    after a ______________.

B. What does the above statement mean?

3 .  What does Paul say that God can not do?

4.   Are there other things God cannot do (Heb. 10:4-10)?

5 .   Paul left Titus in Crete to set in order ____________   and to appoint ___________.

6.    Where is Crete?

7.List two things that he told Titus about "vain talkers and deceivers".

8.What kind of people were the people of Crete?

9.What was Titus to do about the above conditions?

10.Discuss the meaning of 1: 15-16.


Chapter two

I 1. Comment on 2:1 and 2:7-8.

12 He was to exhort the "aged men to be ______________, _____________, ________,

sound in  ______________, in ________________, in ________________.            m                   m


13.   He was to exhort the aged women to "be reverent in _____________ not _________________ nor enslaved to much ______________”.

14.The aged women were to train the younger women to:

I .


15. Titus was exhorted to be an ensample of  _____________    and to speak ________.

16.He was to exhort servants to:

I .


3 .

17.   What is the meaning of the word "purloining"?

18.   Paul affirms that "the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us, to the intent that , denying ___________  and ___________   we should live            ____________and ___________   and  ___________     in this present world".

19.   God's people are to be zealous of _________________________.

20.Compare the instruction of 2:15 with Mt .7:28-29.


Chapter Three

21.  Titus was to tell the brethren in Crete "to be in subjection to _____________to                ______________ to be  ____________         , to be ready unto _______________

to speak evil of _____________    not to be   _____________   to be ______________ showing all meekness toward all men".

22.   How does Paul describe the state of all men before they obey the gospel (3:3; Rom.8:5-9)?

23.   God in his mercy had saved the brethren in Crete "through the washing of __________ and ______________________.”

B. What is the "washing of regeneration" (Jn.3:1-6; Jas. 1: 18; 1 Pet.1:22-23;

I Cor.4:15)?

24.   Titus was to exhort them to be careful to maintain ___________________.                   and to maintain good works for _____________                    that they be not unfruitful.

25.    What was Titus to shun?

26.   What was he to do about a factious man?

27.   Who was Paul planning on sending to take Titus' place at Crete, and what was

Titus to do?

28.   What instruction does he give about Zenas and Apollos, and what does this show about Paul's work at this time?

29.  The epistle was written by Paul in the period between his first ________________and his second ___________________  or about ______   A.D.


Chapter one

I .  Paul wrote 11 Timothy during his ______________      in about  ______  A.D.

2.    How does Paul speak of Timothy in the salutation?

3.   What seems to be the primary purpose of the epistle (1:6-8, 1:13, 2:24, 2:15, 2:22,3:1-3, 3:10-12, 4:1-3, 4:9-11, 4:21)?


4.    List and make appropriate comments on six of the exhortations that the writer gave Timothy(1:6,8,13-14, 2:2,4,8-9,15,16,22,23-26,3:14, 4:1-2,9, 21).

1 .




5 .


5.What statement does Paul make about his conscience in verse three?

6. What was he remembering and longing for in regard to Timothy?

7.    According to verse five, where and when does the proper rearing of a

child begin?

8.  In respect to the use of the gift that Timothy had Paul said, "For God gave us not a spirit of______________ but; of _________________  and __________________.

9.    Christ abolished _____________   and brought_____________ and ___________to light through the Gospel.

10.The writer says that he was not ashamed to suffer as a prisoner because:

11.What good comments does he make about Onesiphorus?


   Chapter Two

12.   Do the admonitions given in 2:3-4 apply to every Christian?

13.   Give the meaning of the illustrations in 2:5-6.

14.   He said that he was suffering hardship unto bonds as a  ___________   but the

____________________was not bound.


15.    What does he say about enduring for Christ in 2:10-13?

16. What two things did he urge him to do that he might be "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed"?

17.    II Timothy 2:12 reads, "If we endure, we shall also,_____________       with him, if we shall deny him, he also will ____________  if we are faithless, he ______________for he cannot deny himself'.

18.    In chapter two he says that in every great house there are some vessels unto honor and some unto dishonor.

A. What is he referring to as a great house?

B. What is he referring to as a vessel?

C. How does one become a vessel of honor?

19.    Paul urged Timothy to flee_________________   and follow after __________,

_____________________, _____________________, ______________________.

20.    About how old was Timothy at this time?

21.List two things that he admonished Timothy to shun or refuse, and tell why.

 I .


Chapter Three

22.    Paul said, "in the last days _____________    times shall come".

B. What do the "last days" refer to?

23.List eight things that he said would be characteristic of the times referred to.

I .                                                           5

2                                                                                                                                                        6

3                                                                                                                                                        7.

    4                                                                 8.                                                            .                                           


24.    What did he tell him to do about those "holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power there of?


25.    In chapter three he speaks of women who were "ever learning, and never

able to come to the knowledge of the truth”. Why were they not able to come to the knowledge of the truth?

26.    Why does he mention the matter of Jannes and Jambres with standing Moses, and what in particular in he referring to (Ex.7:11,22., 17-18, 9:1 1),?

27.    The writer says that all "that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall ____________.

28.   "Every scripture inspired of God is profitable for  _________ for __________                       for ______________ for __________________which is in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto ___________________________.

29. How long had Timothy known the sacred writings?

Chapter Four

30.   In chapter four he says that "the time will come when they will not endure

the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after          ________________and will turn away their ears from the  __________   and turn aside unto __________________”.

31.    Paul charged Timothy to "preach the  ______________  ;   be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, exhort with all __________   and teaching. B. What does he mean by "in season, out of season"?

32.    What reasons does he give for saying that "there is laid up for me I the crown of righteousness".

33.     To whom else will the Lord give a crown of righteousness?

34.     Paul exhorted Timothy, "Give _______________  to come shortly unto me;” and "give diligence to come before ________________”.

35.List three things that he told Timothy to bring with him.



     3 .

36.    What does he tell Timothy about Alexander the coppersmith?

37.    What had happened at Paul's defense, and what does he say further about the matter?

38.What lesson should we learn from the above?

39.Who does he tell Timothy to salute?

40.   What does he say about Erastus and Trophirnus, and what does

this tell us about his work before he was taken again as a prisoner?