Southern Christians University

 I & II Corinthians

James Turner

Study Questions on I Corinthians

1.  The story of the founding of the church at Corinth is recorded in (Acts 18:1-18). Paul went to Corinth from ___________.  He made his home with ____________   and ________________and with them engaged in _____________  and preached in the______________  every _______________________.


2.  After ______________ and ____________ came down from Macedonia and joined Paul in the work many of the Jews began to blaspheme and Paul said unto them _______________________________

(Acts 18:5-7).

3.  What did he mean by the statement "Your blood be upon your own head; I am clean (Ezek.3:17-21)?

4.  What success did he have while teaching in the synagogue, and what message did the Lord give him in a night vision, and how long did he stay there (Acts 18:8-1 1)?

5.   Where did he go after he left the Jewish synagogue?

6.   Paul wrote I Corinthians during the later part of his work at___________  in about______ A. D. (Acts 19:21-22; 1 Cor. 4:17; 16:8-9,19). At the time of the writing _______________had returned from Corinth and was with Paul. The church at Corinth had also sent ____________, ____________, and ___________                   with a letter asking the apostle for instructions in many matters (I Cor. 16:12, 17-18).

7.   Paul had learned about the condition of the church by the household of _______________ and also through ___________ and ______________, ______________,  and ____________(I Cor.1:11, 16:12, 17).

8.  The church had sent a letter to Paul in which they evidently asked questions about _____________, _______________and ______________, _________________, and ________________ (I Cor.7:1. 8:1, 9:1-19, 10:23-33, 15:12, 16:1-5).

9. The epistle is addressed to_________________.  Paul thanked God that the church was enriched in all ________________ and ________________ so that they came behind in no ____________________.

10. What kind of division existed in the church? How had he learned about the division?



11. What admonition did Paul give about the division (I Cor. 1: 10, 3:3-6)?

12.    Why was he thankful that he had not baptized many at Corinth (I Cor. 1: 14-15)?

13.    Who do you suppose it was that did the baptizing of most of the Corinthians (Acts 18:5, 8; Jn.4:1-3)?

14.    How does verse thirteen show that baptism is essential to salvation?

15.    Paul affirms that it was God's good pleasure through _____________ to save them that__________. He also affirms that not many______________, __________________ and _________________are called (I Cor. 1:20-32).

Chapter Two

16.    List four statements that he makes about the way that he preached to them.





17.    Paul affirms that the only person that knows the "things of a man" is_____________ and that the only way that he knew the things of God was through __________________ (I Cor.2:16-13).

Chapter Three

18.    Why did Paul have to feed the Corinthians "with milk, and not with meat" , and what did he mean by this statement (I Cor.3:1-6- Heb.5:11-14)?


19.    What is the meaning of the statement, "I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase".

20.    How will "each man's work" be made manifest (3:12-15)?

21.    What is the meaning of 3:14-15? See:,(Phd.2:12-16; I Thess.2:19-20, 3:12-13).

22     Explain the meaning of his statement, "if any man thinketh that he is wise among you in this world, let him become a fool, that he may become wise" (I Cor.3:18-22, 1:20-24).

Chapter Four


23.     How did he exhort them to account, or regard, their faithful teachers - Paul, Apollos, and Cephas?

24.     What did he rebuke them for in I Cor.4:2-13?

25.     How did Paul beget the Corinthian brethren (I Cor.4:15; Jn.3:1-6; Jas. 1: 18; 1 Pet. 1:22- 23)?

26.     Why was he sending Timothy to them (I Cor.4:16-17)?


27.     What further admonition does he give in this chapter?


Chapter Five

28.     What had been the attitude of the church toward the member that was a fornicator?

29.     What did Paul say that he had already done about the matter?

30.     Give the two reasons given as to why they were to withdraw from the fornicator. What other sinners did he exhort them to judge?

Chapter Six

31.     What other "defect" or fault of the church does he speak of in chapter six? List three points that he made in regard to a solution of the problem.






32.What people will not inherit the kingdom of God?


33. Had the Corinthians been among this number?       What had made the difference?


34.     List two things that he admonished them to flee (I Cor. 6:18, 10:14-22).

35.     Why does he give the above admonitions (I Cor. 10: 13; Gen. 3 9:6-18)?


36.     List three things that the writer says about a Christian's physical body.




Chapter Seven

37.     What are two of the questions that they had asked him about marriage?

38.     Why did Paul tell them, "let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband"?

39.     What is the meaning of I Cor,7:4?

40.     What wish did he express about a men relative to marriage, and what did he mean by this?

41.     List three admonitions that he gave to those that had unbelieving companions (I Cor.7:12- 17).  


42.What did he say he thought was best concerning virgins and why?


43.What instruction did he give those "loosed from a wife"(1 Cor-7:27-35)?

 Chapter Eight

44.     What subject was he discussing when he said, "Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth"?

Explain why they had this problem in the Corinthian church.(l Cor.8:1-13,10:14-22),

45.     Give four of the statements that Paul made in encouraging a proper solution of the above problem.



Chapter Nine

46.     What questions had evidently been asked about his apostleship? What was the seal of Paul's apostleship? Explain.


47.List three of the arguments that he advanced to show that he had a right of support from the Corinthians.

 I .



48.      Why did the Old Testament say, "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn", and what has God ordained concerning those that proclaim the gospel (I Cor.9:9- 14)?

49.      What reasons does Paul give for his not asking the Corinthians to support him (I Cor.9: 15-18)?

50.      How, and why, did Paul bring himself "under bondage to all" (I Cor.9:19-22)?

51.      What did he say about victory in living the Christian life as discussed in the latter part of chapter nine?

52.      What did he tell them about the Israelites in chapter ten and why (I Cor. 10: 1-4)?

53.       What is the particular thing that he is talking about in verse six (Nu. 1 1:4-6. 8-35)?, 54.      What is he talking about in verse seven (Ex.22:1-8, 17-20)?.

55.      What is he talking about in verse eight (Nu.25:1-9; Rev. 2: 12-14)

56.      What is he talking about in verse nine (Nu.21:4-9)?

57.What is he talking about in verse ten (Nu. 16:41-50)?

 58.      What did he tell them about temptation?

59.      What is the meaning of the statement, "ye cannot partake of the table of the Lord, and the

table of demons"?

60.      List three things that he told them about the eating of meats in chapter ten:




Chapter Eleven

61.    Paul affirms that the head of man is ___________ , and the head of woman is ________   and that every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors ________  that every woman who prays or prophesies with her head ___________  dishonors her head.

62.    Why was it not possible, under prevailing conditions, for the Corinthians to "eat the Lord's supper"?

63.    List three things that he told them to do to correct the above matter.

Chapter Twelve

64.    What is the subject discussed in chapters twelve, thirteen, and fourteen?

65.    List the miraculous gifts of the spirit (I Cor. 12:4-1 1).



66.    How were some of the brethren using the miraculous gifts in the wrong way (I Cor. 12:7, 14:1-32)?

Chapter Thirteen

67.    In chapter thirteen Paul first contrast spiritual gifts with _____________, and then he gives the characteristics of __________________________.

68.    What is the meaning of verses eight through ten (Jas.1:25)?


Chapter Fourteen

69.    List six things that he said to them about speaking in tongues in chapter fourteen.

70.    List two things that are said about women in I Cor, 14:3 3 -3 6.



71.     How are all things to be done in the public assembly of the church (I Cor. 14:39-40)? Discuss.

Chapter Fifteen

72.     What is the subject discussed in chapter fifteen? What were some of the Corinthians saying about the resurrection of the dead?

73.     What does he say about the gospel that he had preached to them (I Cor. 15:1-4)?

74.     List eight things that are given about the resurrection.



Chapter Sixteen

75.     What instruction is given about giving in chapter sixteen, and what does this show about the day of the week that the early Christians met for worship?



76.     Paul said that he would return to Corinth after he had passed through ______________               Why did he intend to stay at Ephesus until Pentecost?

77.     What did he tell them about Apollos? The household of Stephanas, Forunatus, and Achaicus ?