Please read the references given in the Study Questions. The references are given to assist you in getting correct answers much quicker than you could without them.


1.   What is the stated purpose of John's Gospel (Jn. 20:30- 31)?

2.   What was the purpose of Luke's Gospel (Lu. 1:1-4)?

3.   What seems to be the primary purpose of Matthew's and Mark's Gospel? Listen to the video.

Questions On Luke

4.   Luke is the only writer that tells about the birth of ________________(Lu. 1:5-25, 1:57-80).

5.   What had Isaiah and Malachi prophesied concerning the work of John (Isa..40:3-5; Mal.3:1, 4:5-6; Mt.11:11-14, 17:10-13)?

6.   What were the names of John's parents, and what good thing is said about them (Lu.1:5-7)?

7.What was John's father doing when the angel appeared to him to tell him his wife would bear a son, and what does the order of his course or division mean (Lu.1:5-13; I Chr. 23:1-6, I Chr. 24:1, 24:10)?




8.What did the angel say that John would do (Lu. 1:14-17)? 




9.What question did Zechariah ask the angel (Lu. 1:18)? What sign was he given (Lu.1:19-20)?




10.  What did the people think when he first came out of the temple (Lu.1:21-23)?

11.                                      How long did his wife hide herself, and why (Lu.1:24-25)?




12.  John was about _______  months older than Jesus (Lu.1:24-38).

13.  In the ______  month the angel ___________  appeared to Mary in the city of ______________.

14.    List three things that the angel told Mary about the child she was to bear (Lu.1:31-33).




15.  What was the reply of Mary to the angel (Lu.1:34)?

16.  What was the response of Gabriel (Lu.1:35-37)?

17.  What two things happened when Mary saluted Elizabeth (Lu.1:39-56)?



18.  What were the neighbors and kinsfolk going to name John?

19.  Who settled the matter, and how (Lu.1:57-66)?

20.List three things about  Zechariah’s message of praise (Lu.1:67-80).





21.  Why did Joseph and Mary leave Galilee at about the time that she was to give birth to the child (Lu.2:1-7)?

22.  What did the angel tell the shepherds (Lu.2:8-11)?

23.  What sign was given them so they might know when they had found the Christ (Lu.2:12)?

24.  Why was both John and Jesus circumcised on the eight day (Lu.1:59-60, 2:21, Gen.17:9-27)?

25.  What did Joseph and Mary do when the days of purification were fulfilled, and what did they offer as a sacrifice (Lu.2:2.2-24)?


26. What does this tell us about Joseph and Mary (Lev.12:1-8)?

27. What did Simeon do when he saw the Christ child (Lu.2:25- 35)?

28. What did Anna do when she saw him (Lu.2:25-35)?

Questions On Matthew

29.Matthew begins his Gospel by first giving the ____________________of Jesus (Mt.1:1-17), and then what does he tell about (Mt. 1 :1 -25) ?



30.  What was Joseph going to do with Mary before the angel of the Lord appeared to him?

31.How did the angel appear to Joseph?

32.  What did the angel tell Joseph?

33.  What does the name Immanuel mean?

34.  Which one of the gospel writers quotes more from the Old Testament?

35.  Why does he quote more? Listen to video.

36.  Matthew does not tell about the angel appearing to the shepherds, but he tells about the ___________         men from the ____________ that came to Jerusalem, saying, __________________________ (Mt.2:1-2).

37.  List two things that King Herod did when he heard the report of the wise men (Mt.2:3-8).



38.  What did the chief priests and scribes tell Herod, and how did they know the answer to his question (Mt.2:3-6; Micah 5:2)?


39. The wise men offered unto him gifts of ______________ , ____________, and _______________.

40. After the wise men had departed what did the angel of the Lord tell Joseph?

41. After what event did the angel of the Lord appear to Joseph the third time (Mt.2:19-20)?

42. What did the angel tell him this time?

43. When Joseph was returning from Egypt with the young child and his mother, why did he decide to withdraw into Nazareth?

44. Why did he go and dwell in Nazareth?

Questions On Luke

45. What feast had the parents of Jesus been to when they lost him (Lu 2:41)?

46. What did Mary say to her son when they found him?

47. What was the reply that Jesus gave her?

48. How old was Jesus when this happened?

49. Which writer tells more about the early life of Christ?

50. Jesus advanced in __________,and ___________, and in favor with _________ and ________ (Lu. 2:52). Should every child develop this way? Why?

51. How old was Jesus when he begin to teach, and which writer tells this (Lu.3:23)?

52. How does Mark begin his gospel (Mk.1:1-14)?

Questions About John's Work

53. What kind of work did Isaiah and Malachi say that John would do (Isa.40:3-5; Mal.3:1-3, 4:5-6)?

54. What did the angel say that John would do (Lu.1:13-17)?


55. List three things that Jesus said about John (Mt.11:7-19, 17:9-13).




56.   Where did John begin his ministry (Mt.3:1; Mk.1:4; Lu.3:1-6)?

57.   John was clothed with ___________ and ____________  and his food was ___________  and                   ________________(Mt.3:4).

58.   What did such food and clothing represent (II Kings 1:1- 8)?

59.   Which prophet told of John as "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make ye ready the way of the Lord, make his paths straight"?

60.              Was John's baptism for the remission of sins (Mk.1:4-8; Lu.3:3; Mt.2):23-32; Jn.3:1-6)?

         Those who rejected John’s baptism were left in __________ condition (Lu. 7:29-30).

61.   Why did the disciples at Ephesus need to be baptized again (Acts 19:1-7, 18:23-26)? See the outline, Six NT Baptisms.

62.   Do many need to be baptized again today?

63.       Can you name three classes of people that need to be baptized again and tell why?




64.If a person is sincere and scripturally baptized does he ever need to be baptized again (Acts 8:13-24; I Jn.1:7-8:2)?


65.How successful was John's ministry, and why (Mt.3:5-9; Mk.1:4-5;Lu.3:3-22; Amos 8:11-12)? 1.


66.   How can we account for the apparent contradiction between Mt.3:5-6, Mk.1:5-6; Jn.3:1-6 and Mt.21:25-32 and Lu.7:30)? Note that Mt. and Mk. use the word all, but the other references show that some rejected John’s baptism.



67.  What did John tell the Pharisees and Sadducees when they came to his baptism (Mt.3:7-10)?

68.                What was the response of John when the multitudes said, "What then must we do"? The publicans (Lu.3:10-14)? The soldiers? 1



69. List three things which show that John's mode of baptism was immersion or a burial in water (Mt.3:6; Jn.3:22-24; Mt.3:13-17; Mk.1:9-11).




70.  What did John say that Jesus would baptize with (Mt.3:11- 12)?

71.              What is meant by the baptisms in the above answer (Acts 1:4-5, 1:26-2:4, 10:44-48, 11:15-18; II Thessl:6-10; Rev.20:11-15,21:7-8)? Listen to the video.



72.  How can we account for Paul's statement in Eph.4:4-5 that there is only one baptism? See the outline, Six N.T. Baptisms.

73.  What is the "one baptism" that is to be administered until the second advent of Christ, and what is it for and what does it do (Mt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15-16; Lu.24:46-47; Acts 2:36-38,  8:12-13, 8:35-39, 10:48,16:25-34, 18:8, 19:4-5, 22:16; Rom.6:3-7; I Cor.12:13; Gal.3:26-29; Eph.4:4-5; Col.2:11-14; I Pet.3:21-22)? 



       3 .



74.                From the above is baptism essential to salvation? Is there a single passage that says that one can believe into Christ, or confess into Christ, or repent into Christ? Are all of the above necessary for salvation? Discuss. (Jn. 3:14-18; Mk. 16:16, Heb.11:6; Lu.13:3; Acts 2:38; Acts 17:30; Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:9-10).





75.What did John say to Jesus when he came from Galilee to the Jordan unto John to be baptized of him, and what was the response of Jesus (Mt.3:13-15)?1.


76.  What is the meaning of Jesus' response?

77.  What happened when Jesus was baptized (Mt.3:16-17; Lu.3:21- 22)?

78.  How did John.answer the priests and Levites (Jn.1:19-28)?

79.  How did John know that Jesus was the lamb of God (Jn.1:29- 34)?

80.  What did John do on the next day (Jn.1:35-40), and what happened then?

81.  After John had told Andrew, that Jesus was the lamb of God, Andrew went and found _________             and said unto him ____________________________________________________(Jn.1:40-42).

82.  When Philip told Nathanael about Christ, what did Nathanael say (in.1:43-46)?

83.  What was the reply then of Philip?

84.                What "good confession" did Nathaniel make on this occasion (Jn.1:47-51), and what response did Jesus make? 1.


The Early Ministry Of Christ

85.                Give the three ways the devil tempted Jesus, and tell how Jesus met each temptation (Mt.4:1-11; Mk.1:12-13; Lu.4:1- 13).




86. List three things that Jesus did and said to the people of Nazareth (Lu.4:16-30).




87.  What response did Jesus make?

88.What did Jesus say to his mother when she said unto him, "They have no wine", and what does her question imply (Jn.2:1-12)? 1.


89.  What did the ruler say to the bridegroom when he tasted of the new wine? Did he know where it came from?

90.  How many water pots of water were turned into wine?

How many firkins were there in each pot?

 How many gallons are there in a firkin?

91.  Where did Jesus, and his mother, and brethren, and his disciples go after the wedding (Mt.4:13-16)?

92.  What did this fulfill (Isa.8:21-22; 9:1-2)?

93.  From this short visit at Capernaum Jesus went to ________________at the time of the_______________________ (Jn.2:12-25).

94.    List three things that Jesus did in the temple on this occasion, and what did his behavior cause the disciples to remember?




95.  What did Jesus say when the Jews asked. for a sign, and what was their response?

96.  John is the only writer that tells about _________________, a ruler of the Jews going to Jesus by night and saying to him ____________________________________________        (Jn.3:1-21).

97.  Jesus first talked to him about____________  and then his coming _____________   upon the_______. ___

98.  After his visit to Jerusalem, with his disciples, he went into the land of _____________   and started 


99.  Where was John the Baptist at this time, and why?


100. What was the response of John when his disciples told him that" all men came to Him"?


101. Where did Jesus go when he knew that the Pharisees had heard that he was making more disciples than John (Mt.4:12; Mk.1:14; Lu.3:19-20; Jn.4:1-4)?

102. On the way to Galilee they stopped at______________ a city of ____________ , and Jesus sat by                 _______________well while his disciples went into the city to________________ (Jn.4:5-42).

103. Discuss the important things that happened at this city.

104. What were the brothers, Simon and Andrew doing when Jesus called them, and how did he invite them (Mt.4:18-22; Mk.1:16 20; Lu.5:1-11)?

105. What were James and John the sons of _________________ doing when Jesus called them?

106. What use did Jesus make of Simon's boat on this occasion?

107. What did Simon say when Jesus said to him, "Put out into the deep"'?

108. What did Peter do, and say, when the boats began to sink because of so many fish?

109. How did Jesus reply?

110. Can you give two things that Jesus did in the synagogue at Capernaum, and the results (Mk.1:21-28; Lu.4:31-37)?



111. The above is the first miracle recorded by Mark and Luke, but do they say that it was the first miracle that Jesus performed?

112. When Jesus left the synagogue at Capernaum he went into the house of __________ where he healed

_____________________ of a _____________and immediately she _________________.(Mt.8:14-17;   Mk.1:29-34; Lu.4:38-41).

113. What did the   people at Capernaum do when the "sun was setting”?


114. What did the demons say when they were cast out?

115.       List two things that Jesus did after he left Capernaum (Mt.4:23-25; Mk.1:35-39; Lu.4:42-44).



116.  What is the difference between Matthew and Mark's account and Luke's in regard to the healing of the leper, and how may we account for this difference (Mt.8:2-4; Mk.1:40-45; Lu.5:12-16; Col.4:14)?

117.  When Jesus returned to Capernaum he healed a man who was sick of the ____________while he was lying on a ______________borne of  ______________Tell about the determination of these men (Mt.9:2-8; Mk.2:1-12; Lu.5:17-26).

118.  What was the reasoning of the Pharisees when Jesus healed the man, and what did Jesus say to them and to the man?

119.  What was Matthew doing when Jesus called him (Mt.9:9; Mk.11:13-14; Lu.5:28-29)?




The Week of His Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension Read: Mt.21:1-28:20; Mk.11:1-16:20; Lu.19:28-24:53;Jn.11:1-21:25

120.                  List four of the details that Jesus gave about his death and resurrection (Jn.3:14-15, 8:28, 12:31-33; Mt. 16:21- 23, 20: 17-19, 21:38-46, 26:31-33; Jn.10:10-18, 14:1-3, 14:25-31, 16:7-14, 18:36, 19:10-11).






121.                  List four things about His triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Mt.21:1-17; Mk.11:1-19; Lu.19:28-48; Jn.11:43-12:19).






122.   What question did the chief priests and the elders ask Jesus when he cleansed the temple on this occasion (Mt.21:23-32)?

123.  Give Jesus' full response to their question.

124.  Who was with the disciples of the Pharises when they asked Jesus the question about paying tribute to Caesar, and why were they with him (Mt.22:15-22; Mk.12:13-17; Lu.20:19-26)?

125.  How did Jesus reply to their question?

126.  What question did the Sadducees ask Him on this occasion, and why did they tell such a detailed story and ask such a question (Mt.22:23-33)?

127. Give the full answer that Jesus gave to their question. 1.



128. What further attempt did the Pharisees make to ensnare him (Mt.22:34-40)?

129. How did Jesus answer the scribe or lawyer (Mk. 12:28-34)?



130. What did the scribe say after Jesus' answer, and what did Jesus say to him?

131. What question did Jesus ask the Pharisees as they were gathering together again (Mt.12:35-37; Lu.20:41-43)?

132. How did they answer His question, and why?


133. What further reply did Jesus make, and what was their reply?



134. What did Jesus tell the people to do about the things commanded by the scribes and Pharisees (Mt.23:1-3)? 1.



135. List three things that he said about the works of the scribes and Pharisees Mt.23:4-12).



       3 .


136. List four of the  woes that Jesus gave against the scribes and Pharisees.



        3 .

        4 . 

137. List two things that Jesus said in his lament over Jerusalem Mt.23:37-39; Lu.19:41-44).



138. What three questions did the disciples ask Jesus after he told them the temple would be destroyed (Mt.24:1-3; Mk.13:1-4; Lu.21: 5-7)?




139. How did Jesus commend the example of the poor widow's giving (Mk.12:41-44; Lu.20:1-4)?


140. List four of the things that Jesus said would come to pass before Jerusalem would be destroyed (Mt.24:4-14; Mk.13:5- 13; Lu.21:8-16). 1.




141. Jesus said, "When therefore ye see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel ----- let him that readeth understand". Some time after Babylon had fallen to the Medos and Persian Daniel was praying for God to have mercy on the Jewish people (Dan. 9:1-19). While Daniel was still praying God sent the angel ______________ (Dan.9:20-23) to _____________ him. The angel told him about 70 weeks of years (RSV) that were decreed upon the holy city to the coming of ______________ who would make an end of _____________, and to make ______________ for iniquity and to bring in __________________ ---- and to anoint the most ______________ which would be ________________ (9:23-26). Verse 27 shows that some time after the death of Christ that Jerusalem would be destroyed again. So what is the meaning of “abomination of desolation”, (Dan.9:1-27; Mt. 24:15-22; Mk. 13:14-23; Lu. 21:20-24)? Note the difference in Luke’s account. Jerusalem was destroyed by _______________ armies in _________ A.D..

142. Jesus told his disciples to “pray that your flight be not in the ___________  , neither on the _______________  ". Why?

143. Some of our brethren are saying that Mt.24:29-35; Mk.13:24- 27; and Lu.21:25-31 should be interpreted as ____________________ and ______________   language. Read Turner’s Comments on Mt. 24:29-36, and Mk. 13:24-32, and Lu. 21:25-33 as given in the second lesson on I Thessalonians for questions 143 and 144.

144. Discuss, and show the danger of such interpretation (Mk.14: 62; Acts 1:10-11; Rev.1:7; Mt.25:31-32; Lu.21: 28, 31; Eph.1:13- 14, 4:30; II Thess.1:7-10; Mt.13:39-43, 13:49-50; II Pet.3:10- 11; Rev.1:7, 21:1-4).


145. What are two of the basic rules to follow in determining whether a passage is literal or figurative?

146. List four of the primary things about the judgment as given in Mt.25:31-46. 1.





147. Give four things about the meeting that the chief priest and elders held a few days before the Passover (Mt.26:1-15; Mk.14:1-2,10; Lu.22:1-6; Jn.11:47-54).





148. Where was Jesus when Mary anointed him with the "cruse of exceeding precious ointment"?


149. Which disciple said that the price of the ointment should have been given to the poor, and why (Mt.26:6-13; Mk.14:3- 11; Jn.12:1-8)?

150. Did the other disciples join in the criticism, and what lesson should we learn from this?

151. Which disciples did Jesus send to "make ready for us the Passover that we may eat" and what instruction did he give them (Mt.26:17-19; Mk.14:12-16; Lu.22:7-13)? 1.





152. How did Jesus defend Mary?




153. Tell about the institution of the Lord's Supper (Mt.26: 26-29; Lu.22:14-20).




154. Why was this occasion very appropriate for the institution of the Lord's Supper (Ex.12:1-51; Isa. 53:7,  Jn.1:29; I Cor.5:7; I Pet.1:18-19)?


155. Give at least three things about the Passover lamb which made it a type of Christ (I Pet.1:18-19, 2:21-22; Eph.1:7; I Cor. 5:7; Jn.19:31-37; Ex. 12:5, 12:6, 12:7, 12:13).




156. Give four things that Jesus told his disciples while he ate the Passover with them (Mt.26:20-31; Mk.14:17-28; Lu.22:14- 30). 1.




157. What did Peter say when Jesus told them they would all be offended (Mt.26:31-35)?

158. What example and instruction did Jesus give them after the supper (Jn.13:3-16)?

159. List six of the things that Jesus told them in his farewell discourse (Jn.14,1-6,14:26, 16:1-2, 16:7-14).







160. Give four things that Jesus requested in his prayer on this occasion (Jn.17).





161. Where did Jesus go after he prayed the above prayer, and what did he do there (Mt.26:36-46; Mk.14:32-42; Lu.22:39- 45)?




162. Who appeared to Him on this occasion and why?

163. What happened after this (Mt.26:47-56; Mk.14:43-50; Lu.22: 47-53; Jn.18:2-11).

164. What did Jesus say to the band of soldiers, and to Judas?

165. Who cut off Malchus' ear and what did Jesus do and say to him?

166. John says that they carried him to "____________ first; for he was father-in-law to ___________, who was high priest that year".

167. Which two disciples followed them to the high priest's house, and what was the difference in the conduct of these two disciples (Jn.18:15-16)?

168. What happened after Peter's third denial, and then what did Peter do?

169. What kind of witness did the scribes and the soldiers seek against Jesus, and what problem did this bring about (Mt.26: 59-68; Mk.14:55-65)?

170. What charge did two of them make against Jesus about the temple, and how did Jesus answer the charge?

171. What question did the high priest then ask Jesus, and what was His response and the results?


172. Why did the Sanhedrin hold another meeting "when morning was come”, and what did they do (Mt.27:1-10; Mk.15:1; Lu.22:66, 23:1; Jn.18:28-29)? Listen to the video.

173. Why did "the whole company" refuse to go into the Praetorian, and what does this show about the Passover that Jesus kept with his disciples? Answer given in the video.

174. What charges did they bring against him before Pilate, and why the change of the charges, and how did Jesus respond (Lu.23:1- 7; Jn.18:28-40)?




175. What did Judas do when he learned that the Sanhedrin had condemned Jesus, and what was the response and action of the court (Mt.27:3-10)?

176. What question did Pilate ask Jesus, and what was his response (Lu.23:2-12; Jn.18:33-40)?



177. What did Pilate do after he had questioned Jesus (Lu.23:7- 26)?

178. What did he perceive about the chief priest (Mt.27:15-20)?

 179. What choice did Pilate give the Jews?

180. Pilate sent Jesus to _______________   because he learned __________________.

181. Why was Herod glad to get to question Jesus, and how did Jesus answer him, and what were the results (Lu.23:6-12)?




182. What did Pilate then do, and with what success (Lu.23:13- 25)?

183. What did Pilate do after the above action, and with what results (Jn.19:1-16)?


184. How did Jesus answer Pilate when he told him he had "power to release thee and power to crucify thee?

185. What did Pilate do when he saw "that a tumult was arising," and how did the people answer (Mt.27:21-26; Jn.19:1-6)?



  186.    What advise had Pilate's wife given him about Jesus (Mt.27:19)?


187.    List four of the things that the soldiers did to Jesus when Pilate delivered Him to them (Mt.27:27-32; Mk.15:16-21; Lu.23:24-26; Jn.19:16-18). 1.




188.    Why did they need to compel Simon of Cyrene to bear his cross?

189.      Give some of the details about a scourging by the Romans.


190.     John says that Pilate delivered Jesus up to be crucified about the sixth hour, and Mark says that “it was the third hour, and they crucified him (Jn.19:14-16; Mk.15:25-37). How may we account for this difference in time (Mt.27:45- 50; Mk.15:25-37; Lu.23:44-46)? Answer is given in the video.



 191. What did the soldiers do after they had crucified Jesus, and what did this fulfill (Mt.27;25-36; Lu.23:34; Jn.19:23- 25)?


192        .What did the two malefactors say to Jesus (Lu.23:39-43)?




193. How do we need to answer the person that says that he wants to be saved like the thief on the cross (Mt.3:5-6; Mk. 2:10-12)? Answer is given in the video. 1.





194. What did some of the people and the chief priest and elders do while Jesus was on the cross (Mt.27:39-44; Mk.15:29-32; Lu.23:35-43)? 1.




195. What title did Pilate put on the cross of Jesus, and what change, in the title, did the chief priest want him to make (Jn.19:19-22)?1.


196.  List the seven statements that Jesus made while on the cross (Mt.27:45-

50; Mk.15:33-37; Lu.23:33-47: Jn.19:26-30). See outline, The Sayings of Jesus From The Cross.





       5 .

       6 .


197.    What happened from the sixth hour to the ninth hour, and at what hour did Jesus die, and what hours would this Jewish time be according to our time? Listen to video.


198.      List the miraculous things that occurred when Jesus died (Mt.27:45-55; Mk.15:33-41; Lu.23:44-49).




199. What was the significance of the veil of the temple being rented from the top to the bottom (Heb.6:18-19, 9:6-9, 10:19-23)? Answer is given in the video.

200. What did the centurion do when Jesus died? The multitudes?

201.Why did the Jews request Pilate to have the legs of all three of the men on the crosses broken (Jn.19:31-37; Ex. 12:46)?


202.                What did they find when they came to Jesus, and what did they do, and what scriptures did this fulfill (Jn 19:31-37; Zech. 12:10, 13:1; Ex. 12:46)? 1.




203.Who, "boldly went in unto Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus? Give three things about this man (Mt.27:57-61; Mk.15:42-47; Lu.24:50-56; Jn.19:38-42).




204. Who assisted the above individual, and where did they bury him (Jn. 19:38-42)?

205. What request did the chief priest make concerning the tomb of Jesus, and what did Pilate do about their request (Mt.27:62-66)?

206. Who beheld where the body of Jesus was laid, and what did they plan to do (Mk.15:47-16:3; Lu.23:55-24:1)?

207. Give three things that happened when Jesus arose from the dead (Mt.28:1-8; Mk.16:1-8; Lu.24:1-12; Jn.20:1-10). 1.



208. What was the reaction of the apostles when the women went and told them? Which of them ran to the tomb (Mk.16:9-11; Lu.24:8-12; Jn.20:1-9)? 1.


209. To whom did Jesus make his first appearance after his resurrection (Mk.16:9; Jn.20:11-18)?

210. When did he make his first appearance to the apostles? What did Thomas say about the matter (Jn.20:19-31)?

211. When did he appear to them the second time, and what happened (Jn. 20:26-29)?

212. Tell about his appearance to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus (Lu.24:13-35). 1.




213. What did the chief priest pay the soldiers that guarded the tomb to do (Mt.28:11-15)?

214. What commission did Jesus give the apostles, and is this commission binding on Christians today Mt.28:16-20; Mk.16:15- 26)?

215. Give two things about his appearance to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias (Jn.21:1-25). 1.




216. List three of the things that he told the apostles before his ascension (Lu.24:44-53; Acts l:4-5, 1:8).


